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책읽은 다음날(book)

세상은 생각보다 단순하다. Ubiquity, - Mark Buchanan(2008. 1)

딱 '저는 다 채려진 밥상에 숟가락 한개 얹졌을 뿐'이라는 배우 황모시기가 떠 오른다.

단순히 준비된 멘트가 아닌, 배우의 삶이 뚝뚝 배어나오는 말이기에 정말 제대로 된, 겸손헌 배우다.


뷰캐넌은 주식시장의 쇼크, 지진, 산불발생등 예측헐 수 없이 터지는 자연현상은 그 패턴상 상당헌 유사성이 있음을 말헌다.

얼마전 화왕산 억새밭 참상의 최종 사법처리는 7급공무원 한명선에서 마무리지었다는데...

먼일이 터지기만 허면 들쥐처럼 창궐허는 찌라시는 정말 답이 없다.


As we shall see,the key to a unified understanding lies in the subtle and powerful concept of the critical state.

What is the typical rythm of the growing and shrinking sandfile?

His view of the dynamics of history leaves little rooom for the influence og "Great individuals"

The economic power of nations naturally waxs and wanes. All great dids and all  great thoughts have religious beginnings.

Science means simply the aggregate of all the recipes that are always successful, all the rest is literature.

The future seemed to lie in the hands of bewildering, even malicious forces, preparing unimaginable catastrophes in the dark. 

Life is understood backwards, but must be lived forward. There is nothing new in the recognition that history follows tortuous paths, and that is has forever made a mockery attempts to predict its course.

It is as if these systems had been poised on some knife edge of instability, merely waiting to be set off. The global ecosysetms is occasionally visited by abrupt episodes of collapse. The art of being wise is the art of what to overlook.

The difference between the enormous and the small has only to do with with the precise location of the very first slipping events.

Richard Feynman counselled students of quantum theory to avoid falling into an interllectual abyss by asking"How can it be like that?"

We shall soon find out power laws in these settings as well, very possibly because the critical state underlies the dynamics of all these different kinds of upheavals. The aims of scientific thought are to see  general in the particular and the eternal in the transitory.

2008. 1.27